How to test SMTP using Swaks

Swaks is a very good and easy tool to test SMTP. It's a one-file Perl script that you can download and use with a simple command.


Note: SSH/Terminal Access is required


  1. Open SSH/Terminal window
  2. Get the latest download link of the standalone script from
  3. Download swaks 
    curl -o swaks
  4. Change permissions to 755 chmod 755 swaks
  5. Run Swaks using this command to send Email using SMTP AUTH
    ./swaks --auth \
    --server \
    --protocol SMTP \
    --au AUTH_USERNAME \
    --from \
    --ap AUTH_PASSWORD \
    --to \
    --h-Subject: "Hello" \
    --body 'Test email!'


    ./swaks --auth PLAIN \
    --server \
    --au AUTH_USERNAME \
    --from FROM_ADDRESS \
    --ap 'AUTH_PASSWORD' \
    --to TO_ADDRESS \
    --h-Subject: "SUBJECT" \
    --body 'Test email!'


You can learn more about command options from this link

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